And in a blink of an eye, 2021 is done!!
Without stating the obvious,, it really does feel as though the past 2 years have flown by at an alarming rate of speed.
So, as we all settle down for the finale of the year, I hope you can spend a few moments just re-calling and categorising some of your events, achievements, and lessons from these past 12 months. Let's not write another year off, let's try and make the most of what's been given to us, learn from the challenges and treasure the good bits x
For me personally, I have been blessed yet again; with good health for me and my boys,
on-going personal development and learnings, treasured friendships, fabulous Welsh Summer holiday!!!! and continued fun & frolics and lots of hard work in all my classes, P/T sessions and Reiki and Meditations.
I take on-board the challenges, roll them around, straighten them out and learn from them, and continue to move forward on this journey called LIFE.....

Thank you to everyone who has been part of my LIFE this year. IT'S BEEN A BLAST!!!!!!
So, I sit now contemplating what 2022 may have in store for us??
Sometimes the unknown is the most provocative and rewarding bit,
so what ever '22 has, BRING IT ON!!!!!
On the website you will find the new blocks of classes ready to be booked for January/February 7 weeks.
Also, you can book Reiki Healing Treatments, Meditations Sessions and all of the upcoming workshops that will be held throughout 2022.
And who knows', we may even get 1or 2 face-to-face classes back up and running,
now wouldn't that be a novelty!!!!!!!!!
As always, my endless gratitude to all of you who 'still' attend the classes and sessions AND 'still' embrace learning (technology with me!!) and supporting me; you are my reason for wanting to continually improve.
My gratitude to all of you who read these blogs and visit my website, you inspire me to learn more and do more (technology!!).
And my sincere gratitude to my Life's Teachers' without whom my journey would be bland x

So it only leaves me now to wish you peace and serenity for the remaining
2 weeks of 2021
Warm wishes for a magical Christmas
And much hope & healthy vibes flying your way for 2022 x
With sincere thanks
Sent with light and blessings
Sharon x

🎄❤️ wishing you and your family the merriest Christmas Sharon 👼⭐️ xxxx