It's such a 21st century expression "self-care'... I actually don't think my nan (God bless her soul) would even entertain the idea, and that's if she even understood what it was all about,,,, I reckon she'd say;
"stop being a namby-pamby, ma wench!!"

Times were different in my nan's day, obviously, and I think there's good & bad lessons to be learn't from both eras...
It's certainly a blessing that Mental Health is loosing it's stigma and can now be talked about openly, and that's a huge positive. I also think that the simplicity of the by-gone days is something very precious to re-capture in our World of technology and fast-paced lifestyles.
So, we DO NEED to unplug and reset our minds, and bodies, and allow ourselves the time to rest and repair; and even though we tend to live longer these days, (modern medicine maybe has a helping hand in that?), it is important to remember that we too have a duty of care towards our own bodies and minds.
But do we actually know 'how' to self-care...?????
Is it as simple as taking a walk, going to the gym, reading a book...etc?
Or should we be doing more ??
I have discovered through Reiki, that self-care can be achieved quite easily and in relatively short periods of 'regular' time slots. The benefits mentally can be quite substantial and therefore the physical improvements and extremely noticeable.
There is no religious practise involved in Reiki, and no weird commitments, other than to your own good.
So, why not learn more about the ways in which you adopt in improving your own self care and join me on Sunday 3rd April 2022; where I will give you all the tools you need to lead a fulfilled, healthy 21st century lifestyle coupled with the simplicity and calmness of by-gone days.
If you would like to read a bit more about the benefits of Reiki before booking the day-course, then please email me, or click on the button and read one of my previous blogs, filled with Reiki facts.
The Reiki Level One - Self Care day will involve:
Clear explanations and real life examples of the benefits of consistent self care
You will have plenty of guided practical time in which to try out these new methods
You will receive a Reiki manual, so you can always refer back to the tools
Reiki Attunements will be given to enhance your level of self care
Lunch and refreshments will be provided
A Certificate of Attendance and on-going support will be delivered to all attendees
Inclusive membership of our Reiki Community
This day will only be £55 as we want it affordable and accessible to everyone who truly believes in SELF-CARE.
There are only 4 places available for this one-day course, 10am - 5pm, so please don't delay in booking your place to avoid disappointment.
I am truly excited to be given the opportunity to share this with you, and shall very much look forward to WELCOMING you on the 3rd of April, ( which will soon be here!!!!)
Sent with light & blessings
Sharon xx