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We Can All 'DO" Reiki

Why Learn Reiki

When asked if anyone can learn Reiki, the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui replied:

“Of course, a man, woman, young or old, people with knowledge or without knowledge, anybody who has a common sense can receive the power accurately in a short time and can heal selves and others.”

People come to practice and learn reiki for so many different reasons. There are as many reasons as there are reiki students. Some include learning reiki to:

  • support a family member or themselves through an illness

  • provide reiki as a preventative measure against sickness for themselves, their children, partners and family

  • support themselves during stressful periods and increase their well being

  • allow themselves to feel relaxed just like they do when receiving a reiki treatment

  • manage their pain and ease their suffering

  • go further with their own healing journey

  • compliment other holistic modalities e.g. massage, physiotherapy, yoga, etc

  • support themselves and their patients in the medical environment .g. nurses, doctors, caretakers etc

  • check out reiki as they are curious about it or may have heard about it from a family member or friend.

Reiki opens you up to your True Nature

The beauty of Reiki is that it doesn’t matter what your background is or how old you are, Reiki will enrich you, your workplace, your family and all your interactions.

Remember, Reiki is not just for people who want to become healers – it’s for everyone.

I believe that Reiki comes into our life at exactly the right moment when you need it and when you are ready to receive the teachings. I have seen many students say ‘I wish I had found it earlier’ (I actually said this myself!!) but when I ask them;

‘would you have been open to it or would it have resonated with you back then?’

most laugh and reply ‘probably not’.

Reiki (or the desire to learn Reiki) always lands on our door at the right moment.

We can trust that you and Reiki found each other at exactly the right moment.

So if you are reading this – maybe this is that moment!

Once you learn Reiki you have the ability to ‘lay your hands’ on yourself whenever you feel out of balance. Self Reiki is one of the most important activities you can do that will help you to support yourself. It gives you the opportunity to listen to your heart, inner dialogue and hear that still quiet voice within. Like any area of life (personal or professional), it is only through practice and experience that one goes deeper into their relationship with Reiki and where the wisdom of Reiki unfolds within us.

In Usui’s day, the Japanese word Reiki meant soul energy. This soul or rather the soul energy is being re-activated during a Reiki Attunement and the one being attuned to Reiki remembers his/her original natures, their essential being.

As your relationship with Reiki grows, it will go from being a concept and a thing you ‘do’,

to being Reiki that moves from ‘doing’ to ‘being’ and from ‘doing’ to 'accepting and trusting'.

When you learn Reiki it is the start of a beautiful relationship – a relationship that will only ever guide you, support you and

continue to go deeper.

What are the Benefits to Learning Reiki

There are numerous benefits to learning Reiki and although Reiki helps to produce physical, mental and emotional healing, for me the greatest gift that Reiki offers us is to help us to unveil our TRUE SELF – the part of us that doesn’t compare itself to others, that accepts us exactly as we are (light & shadow), that knows we are always doing our best, that helps us lift the veils so we can be more of who we truly are, the part of us that loves ourselves, warts and all!

If you would like to learn all about Reiki, and its Self-Care treatments or have completed Reiki Level One years ago and wish to re-connect, then I invite you all to join me on Sunday 10th October, 10-5pm.

It is promised to be a truly divine day, where you will receive your Reiki Attunement and so many on-going benefits to take with you.

Sent with light and blessings

Sharon x

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